What's Powering the Interwebz?
by Dr. McLolcat on Nov.22, 2009, under Ideas

So, after putting up my last blog post, I started thinking about some things. If you know your interweb memes then you know that the internet is for porn (WoW video on youtube, look it up), and its made of cats (previous blog post). My question is.....What Powers the Web? My guess is....Pikachu. Yes, thats right, the Pokemon Pikachu is powering the internet. actually, I think it is powered by multiple pikachus. My guess is that they have them caged up in a cellar in japan, and then from there it runs around the world, powering the intenet. I mean, think about it: one, its a rodent, and people luv to have rodents power things by spinning wheels and such. second, its an electric rodent, which means they are harvesting its electrical powers. If you have any ideas, then post them in the comment section. p.s. i'll probably rip on it unless i find it suitable, cuz you know, its what i do....right?
oh, and remember, haters gonna hate
About Me
- Dr. McLolcat
- Hey, My real name is Parker, and I live in california. I'm lots of things, those included being: gamer, wake/snowboarder, webcomic fanatic, mild philosopher and a general enthusiast. Thats it for now.