New Game for Kids...
by Dr. McLolcat on Nov.22, 2009, under Ideas
So, I was browsing Facebook when I saw a status my friend had posted: friend said "has an idea for a board game like Hungry Hungry Hippos. It's called Angry Angry Atheists. Instead of little white dots, there are tiny little bibles, and instead of hungry hippos, there are raging professors with torches. I think it'll sell out at Harvard."
holy crap, i actually Lol'ed at that. not that i would play said game, but when you think about it, it makes sense. just thought people might want to see this idea. if you have an idea like this, plz post it in the comment section.
oh, and remember, haters gonna hate.
About Me
- Dr. McLolcat
- Hey, My real name is Parker, and I live in california. I'm lots of things, those included being: gamer, wake/snowboarder, webcomic fanatic, mild philosopher and a general enthusiast. Thats it for now.